While most Americans are keenly aware of the power of good personal credit, fewer know the advantages of strong business credit. However, business credit can be transformational for companies—driving access to capital, reputability, protection for the owners, and...
Building business credit is a smart move for small business owners because it opens doors to financing and builds instant trust with third parties. But how do you get started? It’s likely easier than you think. Read on for a step-by-step guide to establishing business...
The financial services industry has undergone a remarkable transformation over the last decade, driven by extensive growth and innovation within the fintech sector. Every year, numerous fintech startups emerge, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in financial...
Managing finances can be overwhelming for many small business owners, especially those without a background in finance or accounting. While combining personal and business finances might seem convenient, it often leads to complications in the long run. Separating...
Owning a business requires taking on complex tax responsibilities. Unlike an employee whose taxes are automatically withheld, business owners need to estimate the amount they’ll owe, set it aside, and make quarterly payments. But how much should you be saving and...
If you own a small business, the odds are good that you’ll need an injection of cash from time to time. In 2023, 93% of small businesses with employees faced a financial challenge, according to the Federal Reserve’s 2024 Report on Employer Firms. But why might you...